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Hoa Sen University – HSU

What is the best Economic Law school in Ho Chi Minh City?

As one of the majors with open opportunities for career development, Economic Law has been attracting a large number of students in the annual university entrance exam and admission. Graduates with a Economic Law degree will work in state agencies or various occupations with many extensive career paths. But what are the requirements to explore this field of study? Which is the best Economic Law school in Ho Chi Minh City?

What is the best Economic Law school in Ho Chi Minh City?

What is the best school to study Economic Law in Ho Chi Minh City?

1. What is Economic Law?

In the Vietnamese law system, there are various legal branches. Economic Law is an independent and essential branch of the legal system. Economic Law includes legal norms promulgated and recognized by the state to regulate social relationships and resolve disputes between business entities in business and commerce.

As for the internal corporate aspect, the Economic Law’s objective is to maintain and ensure the operation process of the business in domestic and international trade.

Like other Law students, students majoring in Economic Law will be supplied with knowledge of the law in general, and general knowledge of marketing, management, and finance… However, Economic Law students will be provided in-depth knowledge of economic and commercial law.

The curriculum studies of Economic Law equip students with specialized knowledge such as Enterprise Law, commercial law, intellectual property law, competition law, contract law, and many specialized subjects in law. Moreover, the school program also provides knowledge and skills in negotiation, contract drafting, researching, and handling legal issues in business activities.

2. Is it challenging to study Economic Law? What skills and qualities are required?

Mentioning the Law field of study, many people would often use negative adjectives such as “difficult”, “dry”, “rigid” or even “boring”. However, in reality, legal professionals engage with numerousemotions like empathy, anger, disgust, and even sadnesswhen with their clients or debating in the courtroom in the process of protecting justice. Therefore, to go further and succeed in the profession, Economic Law students need to have the following qualities:

● Logical, analytical thinking; quick judgment; and strong and flexible problem-solving skills.

● Good memory, learning spirit, and creativeness

● Honesty and integrity in the workplace

● Proficiency in foreign languages

● Strong communication, negotiation, and persuasion skills

● Perseverance, hard-working and patience

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Practicing many different skills and qualities to succeed in the Economic Law industry is necessary.

3. Which are the top quality Economic Law schools in Ho Chi Minh City?

To achieve success in economic law, you should choose a quality economic law program, besides the must-have skills and knowledge. Those who are still wondering about schools to study Economic Law can refer to several prestigious universities in Ho Chi Minh City, such as Hoa Sen University, Ho Chi Minh City Open University, University of Economics and Law, University of Economics…

Unlike the Economic Law training program of other schools, Hoa Sen University is the first university in Vietnam to launch a new program in economic law with a major in Digital Business Law.

In the current era of the development of a digital economy via the increasing use of digital platforms as business models for the supply of goods and services, online payments, mobile apps, and other digital communications technologies have become part of everyday life. Digital Business Law promises to bring substantial growth in the future, contributing to the sustainability of the legal system of Vietnam.

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Hoa Sen University is a pioneer in providing a Digital Business Law training program in Vietnam.

At Hoa Sen University, Economic Law students will learn in a dynamic and international integration environment. The training program is compiled based on reference to the training programs of major universities worldwide and designed according to the actual learners’ needs and recruitment needs.

The curriculum of the Digital Business Law training program is a combination of theoretical and practical knowledge. Students can apply the knowledge they have learned through specific judgments, mock trials, and practice classes under the guidance and supervision of a team of experienced lecturers who are leading professors, associate professors, or Doctors of the field.

In addition, Hoa Sen University also equips students with practical and English communication skills through 6 specialized subjects taught entirely in English.

After graduation, students will have solid knowledge and background in law and economic law; thereby, they can handle legal issues posed in the practice of business activities of enterprises and state management of enterprises. Economic Law students of Hoa Sen University also have many opportunities to intern and work officially at large law firms and law offices such as LPVN Law Firm, Minh Quan Luat Co., Ltd., RHT Law Vietnam Law Firm, and Monday Viet Company, Law Firm UP Counsel, Law Firm Audier & Partners Vietnam…

Economic Law is an important discipline in modern society with high career prospects. You can get started by enrolling in Economic Law and enhancing your knowledge from today. And it’s important to stay consistent with your goals because the discipline will continue to thrive in the coming years.

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