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Hoa Sen University – HSU

What is Artificial Intelligence? Which schools to study Artificial Intelligence in Ho Chi Minh City?

Artificial Intelligence is an industry that receives special attention and investment from the government to provide high-quality human resources. Therefore, more and more universities are offering this field of study in their training programs. However, which schools to study Artificial Intelligence and what career options after graduation are still common questions of many students during the annual admissions period. Let’s take a look at the best Artificial Intelligence training programs from the top universities!

Which schools to study Artificial Intelligence in Ho Chi Minh City?

Which is the best school for Artificial Intelligence? What are the career options after graduation?

1. What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science and technology. Artificial Intelligence systems work based on the simulation of human intelligence and sense processes into the brain of computers and machines. From there, these brain-containing devices will have artificial intelligence and know how to think and acknowledge the situation to handle it most effectively.

Artificial intelligence  – viết tắt là AI là một ngành khoa học máy tính

Artificial Intelligence- abbreviated as AI, is a branch of computer science

Artificial Intelligence applications can also collect and analyze data and shift it into their own. Thanks to these features, Artificial Intelligence is widely applied in human care, such as virtual nurses, nursing care robots, and child care robots,…

Examples of AI can be found when you search for information on Google, Firefox, or Coccoc,… your social media news feeds will be flooded with information on relevant topics the next day.

2. What will students learn in the Artificial Intelligence program?

Artificial Intelligence is one of the foundations and a solid pillar of the national development of industry 4.0, helping to liberate people’s lives with many breakthrough technological solutions. So what will students learn in the Artificial Intelligence program?

● Knowledge of Artificial Intelligence: Students will learn thoroughly from computer data analysis and image processing to robotics and automatic lines,…

● Computer organization and architecture: This subject is compulsory in the Artificial Intelligence curriculum. Upon completion, students will be able to understand the nature of computers in terms of structures and related data types.

● Website and Application design: This is a common subject for computer science students. This subject gives students essential knowledge to create a complete website or application. The main thing is that this subject also aims to strengthen students’ analytical thinking.

Artificial intelligence  – viết tắt là AI là một ngành khoa học máy tính

The Artificial Intelligence program requires high intellectual capacity and certain perseverance.

● Programming languages: This is the foundation of all subsequent programming subjects. Therefore, students will be taught programming languages from the beginning of the specialized semester.

● Data structures and algorithms: This subject provides learners with relevant knowledge to speed up computer processing and the ability to search data with larger sizes. Some algorithms that students will learn, such as sorting, searching,…

● Discrete mathematics: This subject will greatly help students in database design. Discrete mathematics will fully equip students with basic knowledge of probability, such as combinations, arrangements, and events,…

3. What is the best school for Artificial Intelligence in Ho Chi Minh City?

Artificial Intelligence programs attract millions of students annually, so it’s straightforward to find a good school offering this field of study. Some universities that provide Artificial Intelligence training are the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, and Hoa Sen University,…

Hoa Sen University is one of the best universities for Artificial Intelligence that many students and parents have been interested in registering. 

Unlike other academic training programs of other universities, the Artificial Intelligence program at Hoa Sen University focuses on application.

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The Artificial Intelligence program at Hoa Sen University meets international standards.

Some advantages of the Artificial Intelligence training program at Hoa Sen University:

– Training Artificial Intelligence based on the practical needs of today’s leading technology companies.

– Providing basic and advanced knowledge, training data processing and analysis skills, and the ability to use modern machine learning techniques and their applications.

Artificial Intelligence at Hoa Sen University equips students with background knowledge and soft skills through a team of excellent local and foreign lecturers. Along with theoretical knowledge, students can also carry out specific projects on the platform or join Artificial Intelligence application technology clubs… Not only that, Hoa Sen University’s training program and learning environment also meet international standards. Therefore, students will have the best development opportunities in their four-year university and get a job right after graduation.

The article has answered the question of which school to study in the Artificial Intelligence program. The Artificial Intelligence industry currently has a shortage of human resources in our country; therefore, don’t hesitate to seize this opportunity and apply for admission immediately if you are passionate about this industry. The Artificial Intelligence program not only brings jobs with outstanding salaries but also can help you go further in your future career paths.

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