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Hoa Sen University – HSU

What are the career options after graduating from the Interior Design program? What are prestigious Interior Design schools in Ho Chi Minh City?

Most Interior Design graduates tend to become residential, industrial, or commercial interior design professionals. However, there are plenty of Interior Design-related career paths after graduation. All the mathematics, art, and communication skills developed during studies will significantly contribute to making it easier to succeed in several areas in the Interior Design industry. So what are the career options in Interior Design after graduation? What is the Interior Design curriculum, and what are the top schools for Interior Design schools to attend? Here are the top 7 Interior Design careers with great salaries and duties that you can refer to.

What are the career options after graduating from the Interior Design program? What are prestigious Interior Design schools in Ho Chi Minh City?

What are the career options in Interior Design after graduation? Top 7 popular careers in Interior Design.

1. What is the curriculum of the Interior Design program?

Interior design is about the division of functional rooms, arrangement of fitting furniture and living facilities, the harmony of color, feng shui, and aesthetic and emotional elements of the user. Interior Design combines three elements of art, fine arts, science, and technology, based on the harmonious coordination of colors, light, and interior items to create an interior environment that suits the client’s needs and aesthetic tastes.

It requires general knowledge in many fields, including graphic design, architecture, and construction, to work in the Interior Design industry. Therefore, by learning the program, students will receive advanced training in interior design, such as Principles of Graphic Design in Interior, Architectural Shapes and Forms Composition, Interior Design Styles, Architectural Techniques, Principles and Theory of Interior-Exterior Design, Principles of spatial organization…

Thiết kế nội thất tổng hợp kiến thức trong nhiều lĩnh vực như nghệ thuật, hội họa, xây dựng, kiến trúc…

The Interior Design curriculum synthesizes knowledge in many fields such as art, painting, construction, and architecture…

In addition, Interior Design students will be equipped with skills to proficiently use software for interior design such as Auto Cad, Adobe Photoshop, Sketchup, 3Ds Max…

2. What are the career options for Interior Design students after graduation?

With the necessary knowledge and skills cultivated during studies, Interior Design students can apply for various career options after graduation, such as:

2.1. Interior Designer

Interior designers can work at interior design companies or individually design and decorate residential or commercial spaces. It is essential to be knowledgeable about construction, architecture, lighting, and building codes, as well as an understanding of aesthetics and brand, to become an interior designer. 

Trở thành nhà thiết kế nội thất là mục tiêu nhiều sinh viên hướng đến hiện nay

Becoming an interior designer is a career goal of many students.

2.2. Production Design Specialist

Production designers are responsible for the visual elements in theater, movies, or television. Their duties are advising on lighting, camera angles, props, costumes, and locations.

2.3. Design Consultant

Design consultants often work with retailers, fashion designers, or interior design companies. Their principal duties are consulting on product development, such as furniture and home decor lines, and on residential and commercial designs.

Để trở thành nhà tư vấn thiết kế, bạn cần trau dồi kỹ năng giao tiếp, thuyết phục để làm việc trực tiếp với khách hàng

Honing communication and persuasion skills to work with customers effectively is one of the requirements of becoming a design consultant.

2.4. Lighting consultant

A lighting consultant’s main task is consulting about lighting, design, and installation of lighting systems for residential and commercial spaces. Lighting consultants can work at interior design companies, architectural companies, or real estate agencies. To do this job requires being familiar with electrical installations, building codes, and different types of lighting solutions.

2.5. Interior design business

This job’s duties are taking responsibility for the actual layout of the products in the store by using knowledge of market research, psychology, and brand aesthetics to position objects, decorations, and signs in the commercial space.

Kinh doanh nội thất là nghề có mức lương hấp dẫn hiện nay

The interior design business is one of the highest-paying jobs.

The above list is some of the basic interior design-related job options for those who are still concerned about career opportunities in Interior design after graduation. There are also many other job options in Interior Design, such as project manager, construction supervisor, and lecturer specializing in Interior Design.

3. Interior Design schools

Are you looking for a prestigious Interior Design school to study? Numerous large universities and training centers offer Interior Design programs nowadays, and each school has different training curriculums, entrance standards, and tuition fees. Therefore, choosing one of the best Interior Design schools can be challenging. It would be best if the learners could look through all information about each school’s Interior Design training programs and find a suitable school that best suits their orientation.

These top universities with Interior Design majors students should apply are the University of Architecture of Ho Chi Minh City, Hoa Sen University, and the Ho Chi Minh City University of Fine Arts,…

Hoa Sen University is now considered one of the best private universities in Vietnam in terms of world-class teaching staff and state-of-the-art teaching facilities. Recently, HSU is considered the first choice of today’s young generation.

các nhà cái uy tín siyanks

Hoa Sen University is among the top-ranking schools in Interior Design training quality.

During their studies at the school, students will have the opportunity to get used to the modern and dynamic learning environment with a team of experienced lecturers teaching and working in architecture, art, interior design, and interior decoration.

After graduation, the students can be proud of their comprehensive professional knowledge and soft skills to take on any job position in the Interior Design industry confidently.

The above article has provided helpful information to answer the question about the career options of Interior Design students after graduation. Choosing a quality training program is the key to enhancing your knowledge and skills and opening your career opportunities with an attractive salary.

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