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Hoa Sen University – HSU

Overview of Admissions

Hoa Sen University – A world-class university, a launching pad for the future
In the current trend of integration and development, graduates must have adequate professional knowledge and soft skills. In particular, foreign language skills are a prerequisite for those who work in foreign companies with high salaries. That is why many people choose Hoa Sen University, a world-class university. Hoa Sen University’s outstanding advantages of a young, dynamic learning environment and an English-focused and affiliate training program with foreign countries attract the attention of many young people in annual enrollment. 1. Reasons to study in an international bilingual environment English has become indispensable in every aspect of life in the global integration...
Which schools to study Film? What are the top best Film schools?
The film industry requires its human resources to be constantly creative and innovative. Therefore, it is unsurprising that the Film training programs and the film industry have always had a solid attraction for millions of young people during the annual enrollment seasons. More than that, in the current trend of developing the film industry towards industrialization, modernization, and integration, Film training programs can be playgrounds where young people can unleash their passions and shape their artistic styles. So which is the best film school? Here are the top-quality film schools so far. Which school to study Film? What are the...
[REVIEW A-Z] All you need to know about Film training program
Film is a popular field of study that attracts millions of students annually. This attraction comes from the explosion of TV channels and social networking platforms such as Tiktok, Youtube, Instagram, and Facebook… However, sometimes liking is not enough; it is essential to understand the work’s nature and personal capacity to enter the film industry. This article will summarize all the must-know information about the Film for an overview. Millions of young movie lovers have strong attractions to Film What is a Film training program? The film industry is one of the leading commercial industries in our country and the...
The potential of the Financial Technology (Fintech) industry in the digital age
In the current situation of Vietnam’s rapid digital economy development, the financial technology industry (Fintech industry) has become a “craze,” attracting the attention of thousands of students over the years. It is also a “golden” time for students to pursue this field of study for its open job opportunities. So, what is Financial Technology, and what to do after graduation? What is the potential of the Fintech industry? Don’t miss the article below for your questions. What exactly is Fintech? What is the potential of Fintech in the digital age? 1. What is Financial Technology? Financial Technology (or Fintech for...
Career opportunities for Financial Technology graduates
Financial technology (Fintech) is one of the new technological advancements in digital finance. Fintech opens up the opportunity for people to have a turn-up for the books of never before experienced technical utilities. So, are the career opportunities for Fintech students as big as its reputation? What to do after graduation? Let’s solve these questions with the article below. 1. What is Financial Technology? Fintech is simply a combination of the two factors: information technology and finance. Fintech operates based on technology products and applications of AI (Artificial Intelligence), big data analysis, blockchain technology, and some other technical tools. Thanks...
What is Financial Technology? What is the best Financial Technology school?
Nowadays, technology is evolving rapidly, enabling the breakthrough strides of the financial technology industry (Fintech industry). It attracts many students’ attention during the enrollment seasons. So what is Financial Technology? What is the best school to study Financial Technology? What are the job opportunities in Financial Technology? Let’s join us to learn from A to Z about this potential field of study and find out the top universities to study Financial Technology. What is Financial Technology? What are the job opportunities after graduation? 1. What is Financial Technology? Financial Technology (Fintech) combines two factors: technology and finance. Fintech is a...


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