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Hoa Sen University – HSU

Job opportunities in Artificial Intelligence: What school to study Artificial Intelligence? Is it easy to get a job in Artificial Intelligence?

In today’s modern society, with the development of technology, people aim to learn about the convenience of handling work as quickly and simply as possible. The advent of Artificial Intelligence is a solution to meet all those needs. It is also why Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a training program that receives much attention from many young people. So what are the job opportunities in Artificial Intelligence? What is the best school to study Artificial Intelligence? Is it easy to get a job in Artificial Intelligence?

Job opportunities in Artificial Intelligence

Why learn Artificial Intelligence?

1. What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) also known as artificial general intelligence, is a small branch of computer science. As the simulation of human intelligence, Artificial Intelligence can create devices and systems with intelligence similar to or even smarter than a human being. These devices and systems are built to operate work intelligently and self-learn from experience and historical data to enhance knowledge, thereby performing work more accurately and efficiently.

Some typical Artificial Intelligence applications nowadays are virtual assistants, robots, drones, self-driving cars, electronic customer identification – eKYC, handwriting recognition, predictive analytics… Needless to say, Artificial Intelligence is always around us.

In the e-commerce industry, for example, a personalized recommendation engine is an AI-powered solution targeting buyers based on their shopping behaviors. Artificial Intelligence technology can accurately recommend a product to consumers who are likely to buy it. And this helps businesses to improve sales efficiency.

Các ứng dụng trí tuệ nhân tạo là một phần không thể thiếu trong cuộc sống hiện đại

Artificial Intelligence applications are an integral part of modern life.

2. Is it challenging to learn Artificial Intelligence?

The answer to the question: “Is the Artificial Intelligence program hard to learn?” depends on many factors, including the capacity, seriousness, and passion… of each person. But to answer most objectively, it’s not too difficult. Obviously, the above statement has its basis:

● Searching for the keyword “Artificial Intelligence documents” will return thousands of results related to that word; therefore, learners can learn and improve their knowledge anytime, anywhere.

● Artificial Intelligence does not have many requirements like space technology or medicine. Instead, Artificial Intelligenceonly requires learners to have background knowledge, experience, and knowledge of the nature of Artificial Intelligence during their major specialized study. For example, with Artificial Intelligence in the banking sector, students need to know more about Banking expertise.

3. Career opportunities in Artificial Intelligence

Not everyone has enough perseverance and determination to study Artificial Intelligence because this industry requires a lot of brainpower. Students are also concerned that their study time is not worth it. This psychology is understandable. However, students can rest assured of their job opportunities after graduation because the Artificial Intelligence industry is hugely open due to our country’s scarce human resources. Graduates with an Artificial Intelligence degree definitely should not need to worry about unemployment.

So specifically, what jobs graduates in Artificial Intelligence can do? Below is the list of the hot-hit job options for students to consider.

●Artificial Intelligence engineer: it can be said that this is the desired job for many people because of the high salary. An Artificial Intelligence engineer is responsible for researching, creating, and developing intelligent software and applications to meet human needs.

●Artificial Intelligence programmer: this job is in charge of programming and looking for the best orientation for the application and development of information technology to meet all human needs.

Kỹ sư AI là một trong những ngành có thu nhập ‘’khủng’’ hiện nay

AI engineering is one of the highest-paying careers.

● Automation engineer: The responsibility of the automation engineer is to design and program automatic lines and industrial robots. This job requires logical thinking, insight, and a desire to learn new things.

● Artificial Intelligence lecturer: Artificial Intelligence lecturer: this job best suits outstanding students passionate about Artificial Intelligence research. To become an excellent Artificial Intelligence lecturer, it is essential to have extensive knowledge of Artificial Intelligence and be a persistent, eager learner.

The Artificial Intelligence program requires an investment of both time and brain. With much persistence and passion in studying the Artificial Intelligence program, it is no doubt that success will follow.

4. Which is the best school to study Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence has been around for a long time, but the Artificial Intelligence program has only been introduced to Vietnam in the last 2-3 years. Despite being new, finding Artificial Intelligence schools in Vietnam is not too difficult, thanks to the government’s investment.

Some of the best schools that offer Artificial Intelligence training programs are Hanoi University of Science and Technology, University of Information Technology – VNUHCM, Hoa Sen University, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education… Being a multi-disciplinary, multi-sector university with international standards, Hoa Sen University is one of the reasonable choices for those pursuing the Artificial Intelligence major.

các nhà cái uy tín siyanks
 là một trong số ít trường đào tạo ngành Trí tuệ nhân tạo theo chương trình đạt chuẩn quốc tế

Hoa Sen University is one of the few universities that offer an Artificial Intelligence program that meets international standards.

Artificial Intelligence is one giant leap for humankind. Therefore, this is both an opportunity and a challenge for our country’s labor force. Job opportunities in the field of Artificial Intelligence are incredibly open. Therefore, don’t hesitate to seize the opportunity to pursue your passion and avoid falling behind.

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