HSU – Đại học Hoa Sen //ntc33.net Thu, 07 Dec 2023 07:30:25 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 HSU – Đại học Hoa Sen //ntc33.net/en/5-hsu-students-were-accepted-for-internships-at-the-grand-hyatt-hotel-in-the-us/ Thu, 07 Dec 2023 07:30:23 +0000 //ntc33.net/?p=25130 On the afternoon of August 11, the leadership team of Grand Hyatt Hotel (USA) visited and discussed and interviewed with students of the Hotel Management major, Hoa Sen Elite program of Hoa Sen University (HSU) about the internship program in the US.

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Mr. Marc Sternagel – General Manager (GM) Grand Hyatt Nashville Hotel discussed with students.

The leadership team includes: Mr. Marc Sternagel – General Director (GM) Grand Hyatt Nashville Hotel; Mr. Gideon Packianathan – HR Director of Grand Hyatt Nashville Hotel and Mr. David Causer – Business Development Director of Global Educational Concepts.

At the meeting, representatives of Grand Hyatt Hotel shared about the environment and opportunities to work at Grand Hyatt, one of the MOST LUXURIOUS hotels in Nashville in the US.

Especially, after the exchange process, 5 HSU students including: Quach Thanh Dat, Luu Le Minh Man, Ha Hoang Phi, Nguyen Thanh Truc, Nguyen Thi Thao Van participated in a direct interview with the General Director and Human Resources Director of Grand Hyatt Nashville to apply for an internship at the Hotel. Representatives from Grand Hyatt Nashville Hotel also highly appreciated the professional capacity, English and attitude of the students, especially the 5 students who participated in the internship interviews.

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Student Ha Hoang Phi interviewed directly with Mr. Gideon Packianathan ?HR Director of Grand Hyatt Hotel Nashville.

Commenting after the interview process of HSU students, Mr. Marc Sternagel shared: “I see that the students have been well trained and prepared from the first steps in their careers. I feel very inspired by that, and if possible I will take you all on board to go back to the Grand Hyatt with us.Coming to Grand Hyatt, we don’t need to teach them how to make coffee, they already know it. But we can help them how to handle everyday situations, deal with superiors, manage people…”

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Mr. Marc Sternagel ?General Manager (GM) of Grand Hyatt Hotel Nashville interviews with HSU students.

Directly interviewed with business leaders from abroad, Ha Hoang Phi – 4th year student majoring in Hotel Management, Hoa Sen Elite program said: “I applied for the First Office position at Grand Hyatt Hotel. At first I was quite nervous, but with what I had learned and having applied at a few big hotels, I performed quite well in my interview. I think this is a great opportunity that the School has created for us to take and work at one of America’s top hotels.”

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Representatives of Grand Hyatt, representatives of Hoa Sen University and students at the event.

By interviewing with international leaders and experts, Hoa Sen University has created conditions for students to improve their interview skills, apply with foreign businesses, have internship opportunities and work at leading hotels in the world. At the same time, it affirms once again 2 core values: International standards and Real learning Real practicing at HSU.

HSU – Đại học Hoa Sen //ntc33.net/en/hoa-sen-university-honors-107-individuals-and-teams-on-vietnam-teachers-day-20-11/ Thu, 07 Dec 2023 06:43:51 +0000 //ntc33.net/?p=25127 In an atmosphere filled with love, on the afternoon of November 20, Hoa Sen University (HSU) organized the 41st Anniversary of Vietnamese Teachers’ Day and honored the 2023 Sen Awards – Golden Lotus. This is also the 3rd year that HSU has organized the award to honor lecturers and staff working at the University.

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HSU Board of Directors honored 10 nominated lecturers to receive the title “Outstanding Teacher” of Nguyen Hoang Education Group.

The program was attended by business partners, representatives of the HSU Alumni Association, the School Board of Directors and HSU faculty, staff and students. The ceremony is an opportunity for teachers to reunite, meet each other and look back on memorable achievements in the past school year. At the same time, it is an opportunity for students to express their gratitude to those who have guided them.

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Associate Prof. Dr. Vo Thi Ngoc Thuy – President of Hoa Sen University spoke at the ceremony.

Speaking at the ceremony, Associate Professor, Dr. Vo Thi Ngoc Thuy shared: “Investing in education is investing in sustainable value, and we are also investing in our own personal sustainable value. If each of us is happy, then Hoa Sen will be happy. Myself and the School Board of Directors are also very happy when we see teachers who are always understanding and loving towards their students every day. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the teachers, brothers and sisters, those standing on the podium and others, regardless of their position in Hoa Lotus, who are contributing to a future generation of the country.”

After nearly a month of voting from the voting council and students, the 2023 Sen Awards honored more than 100 individuals and 5 best groups in 7 categories: Outstanding Lecturer; Outstanding employees; Dedicated academic advisor; Friendly employee; Outstanding Scientific Research Lecturer; Excellent leadership; Outstanding team.

As one of three individuals receiving the title of Outstanding Leader, Dr. Truong Thi Hong Minh – Dean of the Faculty of Hospitality emotionally shared: “I think that every person we meet in life is a teacher, because they all give us different lessons. This award is due to Board of Directors’ empowerment of me, but also because I have an outstanding team, outstanding Associate Dean, outstanding Program Directors, outstanding faculty and outstanding staff.”

HSU Board of Directors also gave extraordinary rewards to 3 lecturers with achievements in the past school year including: MSc. Nguyen Hong An – TOP 10 Vietnamese researchers majoring in Psychology; NCS. MSc Nguyen Minh Thanh – TOP 10 Vietnamese researchers majoring in Psychology; MSc. Do Trong Danh ?Won the Consolation Prize in the Contest to create and promote literary and artistic works of journalism in Ho Chi Minh City.

In addition, Hoa Sen University’s Trade Union also awarded 15 prizes to individuals and collectives who won prizes at the online photo contest “The beauty of the teaching profession”. Congratulations to the teachers and hope this will be the motivation for the lecturers, staff and students of Nha Sen to create a “Thong ?Thuan ?Thuong ?Toan Thang” learning year.

Hoa Sen University would like to express our sincere thanks to our partners for always following and accompanying the school. Hopefully, on the journey ahead, we will continue to receive attention from you.

HSU – Đại học Hoa Sen //ntc33.net/en/hsu-law-student-wins-second-prize-in-mock-trial-competition/ Sat, 25 Nov 2023 02:11:20 +0000 //ntc33.net/?p=25125 On November 19, Law students at Hoa Sen University (HSU) participated in the “Mock Trial” competition in 2023 organized by the Faculty of Law – Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry.

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Dr. Nguyen Hoai Nam – Director of HSU Economic Law program (right) is one of 5 judges of the competition.

The competition jury includes: Associate Professor, Dr. Le Minh Hung (Dean of Faculty of Law, University – University of Industry, Ho Chi Minh City), Dr. Nguyen Hoai Nam (Director of the Economic Law program at Hoa Sen University), PhD. Nguyen Van Tien (Deputy Head of the Faculty of Civil Law – Ho Chi Minh City University of Law), Lawyer Nguyen Dinh Hai (Dong Nai Province Bar Association), Judge Nguyen Duc Phuoc (Chief Judge of Binh Tan District People’s Court) and MSc. Pham Hai Son (Lecturer, Department of Law – Hong Bang International University).

The contest attracted 6 teams from schools, including: Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry, Ho Chi Minh City University of Law, University of Economics and Law, Hoa Sen University and Hong Bang International University. Based on criminal cases that have been publicly adjudicated by competent courts, the competition teams held trials and demonstrations within 75 minutes at the Go Vap District People’s Court courtroom.

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Tran Linh Thuc Uyen ?HSU student plays the role of judge.

Overcoming opponents from other teams, Team “Lawy Fantasty” of HSU won the second prize overall. In addition, Tran Linh Thuc Uyen – HSU student also won the Best Judge award.

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Tran Linh Thuc Uyen won the Best Judge award.
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HSU law student won second prize in the Mock Trial competition.

The mock trial is an opportunity for those who are passionate about the Law profession to have the opportunity to practice their skills, knowledge and expertise in Law. The contest is also a place for students to experience the vivid and authentic feeling of a trial. Thereby helping them improve their useful knowledge, exchange and learn with students from other schools, supplement themselves with knowledge and skills about Law.

HSU – Đại học Hoa Sen //ntc33.net/en/hsu-student-tells-stories-about-making-the-movies-hellbound-village-the-soul-eater-in-9-degree-celsius-weather/ Fri, 10 Nov 2023 03:52:39 +0000 //ntc33.net/?p=25016 Although he is only a 3rd-year student (film produced in December 2022), Truong Minh Chanh – Student of Communication Technology Management, Hoa Sen University (HSU) has directly participated in the production crew of the movie “HELLBOUND VILLAGE?as Personal Assistant Director.

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Poster for the movie Hellbound village. (Photo: Hellbound village fanpage)

The Hellbound Village is Vietnam’s first historical horror film and the highest budget horror series ever. The Hellbound Village series is 12 episodes long, made by director Tran Huu Tan and producer Nguyen Hoang Quan. The movie is being broadcast on K+. Even though it has only aired 3 episodes, the film has already impressed viewers with its investment in content and ‘goosebump’ context. Besides, the movie Soul Eater is expected to premiere on December 8, 2023.

Among the members of the film crew, Truong Minh Chanh – HSU student was fortunate to be accompanied as personal assistant to director Tran Huu Tan. With this job, Chanh closely followed the director and crew throughout many months of filming in Ha Giang. With cold weather, some nights reaching -9oC, the filming process for the movie faced many challenges.

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Truong Minh Chanh – HSU student in the filming scene in Ha Giang under cold weather, white fog covering the mountains.

To get a realistic and vivid image of the “hell village” in the film, the crew spent a lot of time and effort setting the scene among the craggy mountains in the highlands of Ha Giang.

Minh Chanh shared that the filming process had countless memories, but the most memorable were the final filming sessions: “At that time in Ha Giang, it rained heavily for many days, leading to the filming location at waterfall No. 6 storing too much water.” and poured downstream like a fierce flood. Luckily, the crew finished filming before the flood hit. When filming ended, everyone had to go back to the hotel to return to Saigon, but they couldn’t cross the waterfall because the water was still very fast. The director led the actors and everyone on a circular walk through the forest for more than 3km to get to the main road and board the group’s 16-seat car to go to the hotel.

In addition, the entire film crew had to live in “3 no” conditions: no electricity, no water, and no shelter in the cold weather. The actors and crew members had to live, eat, sleep, and work together under makeshift canvas tents in the cold weather.

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Image of Chanh and the film crew at the opening ceremony of the movie Soul Eater in Ha Giang.

Thanks to accompanying throughout the film production process and the guidance of director Tran Huu Tan, Minh Chanh learned how to operate a film crew, specialized terms and techniques used in the industry as well as how a crew leader reconciles when there is a conflict within the group…

Talking about the reason for choosing to study Media Technology Management at HSU, Chanh shared: “I chose to study communication at HSU because I like to create media products in general and want to work with many famous people in the profession. Participating in these projects helps me consolidate and practice what I have learned in school.”

Not only in the process of working, even during the learning process, HSU media students have been able to own film projects through final exams, subject projects… It is the practical experience from the learning process that helps them have all the skills and knowledge to join media companies or film crews right from 3rd and 4th year. Also from those experiences, students are increasingly mature and easily pursue their passion and work.

HSU – Đại học Hoa Sen //ntc33.net/en/hsu-lecturer-won-the-consolation-prize-at-the-contest-creating-and-promoting-literary-and-artistic-works-of-journalism-in-ho-chi-minh-city/ Fri, 10 Nov 2023 03:47:01 +0000 //ntc33.net/?p=25014 With love for the teaching profession, MSc. Do Trong Danh – Lecturer in Digital Marketing, HSU Faculty of Economics and Business created the photo series “HUNDRED YEARS OF CULTIVATION OF PEOPLE”.

The photoshoot has just received the consolation prize at the Creative Contest to promote Literature and Journalism works organized by the Propaganda Department of the Ho Chi Minh City Committee.

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MSc. Do Trong Danh – Lecturer in Digital Marketing, HSU Faculty of Economics and Business (on the right) received a certificate of encouragement from the competition.

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Maket of the photo set One Hundred Years of Cultivating People by MSc. Do Trong Danh.

Talking about the message of the photoshoot, he shared: “Since birth, each of us has dreams and ambitions, and to achieve those dreams, we need to strive hard. Then from the green buds with their own learning and constant care from family, school and society, one day those buds will be shined.”

In addition to teaching Digital Marketing and working with HSU for more than 16 years, Mr. Danh is also a member of Vietnam Association of Photographic Artists (Vapa); Member of Ho Chi Minh City Photography Association (Hopa); Member of Gia Dinh Photographers Club (under Binh Thanh District Cultural Center).

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MSc. Do Trong Danh and HSU students.

HSU is always proud of its lecturers who are not only good at their profession but also multi-talented and enthusiastic to students. The photo series is a way for Mr. Danh and HSU lecturers in general to show their pride in the teaching profession, while also spreading the image of Hoa Sen University students to more people.

HSU – Đại học Hoa Sen //ntc33.net/en/hsu-fashion-design-students-learn-from-real-life-fieldtrips/ Wed, 01 Nov 2023 01:56:18 +0000 //ntc33.net/?p=25122 Fieldtrip is one of the activities that helps students learn from practice and better understand businesses. Last October, students majoring in Fashion Design, Hoa Sen University (HSU) visited textile factories and exhibitions.

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HSU students visit the ACFC company’s warehouse

Recently, students of Fashion Design from Hoa Sen University had an experience visit at ACFC, one of the most modern warehouses in Vietnam in the fashion retail industry. Here, students had the opportunity to visit ACFC’s warehouse of more than 12,000 square meters in Binh Duong – one of the most modern warehouses in Vietnam in the fashion retail industry. At the same time, they were introduced to the process of importing goods at ACFC warehouse, including how to “inbound” goods according to barcode, how the goods control system …

By visiting one of the most modern warehouses in Vietnam, HSU students had the opportunity to learn and directly interact with the stages of production and fashion retail operations, with the spirit of REAL LEARNING REAL DOING of Sen House students. In addition, students were also clearly explained how to store goods and how to pick goods at the warehouse. The knowledge of fast moving, slow moving is also information that attracts the attention of students.

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HSU students visited the 21st International Exhibition of industrial machinery and equipment for the Textile & Garment industry.

At the same time, on 28/10, HSU Fashion Design students visited the 21st International Exhibition on Textile & Garment Industrial Machinery at SECC Exhibition Center District 7, Ho Chi Minh City. HCM.

The exhibition has a scale of 830 booths of more than 500 exhibitors from 12 countries and territories, focusing on the topic of factory digitalization, with the goal of promoting the modernization of Vietnam’s textile and garment industry. At the exhibition, students learned about machinery and equipment for the textile industry, raw materials for the textile and garment industry, dyeing and chemical industry, leather and footwear industry and raw materials.

Besides, within the framework of the exhibition, MSc. Tran Minh Nhut – HSU Fashion Design lecturer had a sharing session on sustainability issues in the textile industry at VTEX-TECH seminar.

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Mr. Tran Minh Nhut ?Lecturer in Fashion Design presented his presentation within the framework of the international exhibition.

The trip is an opportunity for students to better understand the trends and potential of the textile industry, not only domestically but also internationally. From there, apply it to specialized subjects in the future.

By innovating the curriculum in association with practice, Hoa Sen University enhances fieldtrips for students to have direct contact with experts, see firsthand the operation and handling of goods and products of businesses. From there, it is easy to integrate into the working environment after graduation.

HSU – Đại học Hoa Sen //ntc33.net/en/hsu-interior-design-students-learn-directly-from-experts-from-france/ Sun, 22 Oct 2023 03:39:12 +0000 //ntc33.net/?p=25012 In the afternoon of October 17, 2023, the International Seminar “How to build a museum” organized by HAWA, AA corporation in collaboration with Chargeurs Museum Studio at Hoa Sen University (HSU) took place successfully.

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Representatives of Chargeurs Museum Studio, AA corporation and HSU lecturers at the meeting.

The conference had the participation of leading speakers and experts in the field of design such as: Mr. Nguyen Quoc Khanh – Chairman of HAWA, Mr. Pham Chan Quang – Board of Directors of HAWA. On the side of Chargeurs Museum Studio, there were Ms. Cinzia Venturi ?Brand Ambassador, Ms. Delphine De Canecaude ?Director and Mr. Vincent Larnicol ?Deputy Director of CMS. The event attracted more than 200 attendees from businesses; lecturers and students in interior design and construction of 8 universities in Ho Chi Minh City.

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Ms. Delphine De Canecaude – Director and Mr. Vincent Larnicol – Deputy Director of CMS shared with students about the museum.

The seminar brought a lot of interesting information surrounding the process of building a museum and how museums can bring positive impacts to the development of society. A representative from Chargeurs Museum Studio said that one of the big challenges of the museum design team was how to create a story, thereby creating a connection between the exhibited artifacts and visitors.

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Associate Professor, Dr. Vo Thi Ngoc Thuy – HSU President and lecturers attended the events.

In addition, the speaker also shared and emphasized how Vietnam’s rich culture can be conveyed through stories. From there, helping students better understand the long-term value of a museum, while changing young people’s perspective on museums.

Experts from CMS share with students.

Through the seminar, HSU students in particular and young people who are passionate about architecture and furniture in general learned directly from experts from France, the capital of museum design in the world, immersed in the exciting Q&A atmosphere between speakers and experts, architects and businesses in Vietnam; Better understand the long-term value a museum brings.

Students exchange with experts.

At the same time, the workshop changed the perspective of young people to understand that museums can be both a place to study, entertain, exchange, visit and many other interactive activities, helping them to have a new perspective on the culture of Vietnam through the lens of Westerners.

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The workshop had the participation of leading speakers and experts in the field of design such as (from left): Mr. Vincent Larnicol – Deputy Director of CMS, Mr. Nguyen Quoc Khanh – Chairman of HAWA, Ms. Delphine De Canecaude – Director of CMS, MSc. Duong Ngoc Quynh Lam – Director of Hoa Sen University’s Grassroots Art Program.

The International Conference “How to build a museum” is part of a series of activities of the Faculty of Art Design to increase REAL LEARNING, REAL DOING help students learn from experts from France ?the capital of museum design in the world. After the workshop, the Interior Design industry also had outstanding activities such as: Exhibition of actual projects of Cu Lao Cham Marine Life Conservation Center being constructed (projects implemented by HSU students); The international competition for public art creation and the creative camp of Hue Festival 2024 were ordered specifically for HSU by the People’s Committee of Thua Thien Hue Province.

HSU – Đại học Hoa Sen //ntc33.net/en/the-international-opening-ceremony-of-hoa-sen-university/ Fri, 20 Oct 2023 02:46:34 +0000 //ntc33.net/?p=25008 With the message that university will be the starting place for each new student to become the best version, the Opening Ceremony of the 2023 – 2024 school year of Hoa Sen University (HSU) took place with the theme: “Be Yourself ?But Be Your Best Self: Be you, but with the best version of yourself.

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The ceremony of presenting a special traditional student flag to new students is to preserve and promote the traditions of previous students.

On October 15, Hoa Sen University solemnly held the opening ceremony of the 2023 – 2024 school year at Nguyen Du Gymnasium (Ben Thanh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City). The program was attended by representatives of the Department of Foreign Affairs, business partners, the school’s pedagogical collective, new students and parents.

The opening ceremony has an international character

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The School’s Board of Directors and HSU lecturers gave inspirational speeches in 9 languages.

With the orientation of becoming a university of international standards, in addition to strengthening cooperation with global partners, Hoa Sen University also invests in international experiential events for students. The opening ceremony is considered one of the events that clearly demonstrates the international character of the School with many memorable moments.

New students at the Opening Ceremony.

Different from the opening speeches of normal ceremonies, at the Opening Ceremony of Hoa Sen University, Associate Professor, Dr. Vo Thi Ngoc Thuy – Principal of the School together with the Board of Directors and lecturers sent meaningful messages to new students. In particular, this speech was made in 9 different languages including: French, Thai, Russian, German, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, English, Vietnamese… once again affirming define an international learning environment at HSU.

Associate Professor, Dr. Vo Thi Ngoc Thuy – Principal of HSU conveyed to students: “Every education system must pursue an educational philosophy as a guiding light. The educational philosophy of Hoa Sen University is the spirit of liberal education to create people with a free spirit, who use their freedom responsibly, independently in thinking, and accepting diversity and difference. HSU students yourselves will be a completely new generation of young people, with a wide perspective, capable of breaking through and going beyond all limits. Here, students will be unique individuals, not only studying but living in an environment of comprehensive physical, mental, intellectual, emotional development as well as social skills and global integration. Welcome all new students of the Class of 2023 to this journey.”

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Associate Professor, Dr. Vo Thi Ngoc Thuy – Principal of the School gave an inspirational speech in 3 languages: French – English – Vietnamese.

The program also had the participation of many international students studying at HSU. In particular, among the new students, Nguyen Thi Thuy Hang is an international student returning from France to study Interior Design. Speaking on behalf of the new students, Thuy Hang shared in French: “I came to France to live and study since I was young and was attracted by the architecture of large buildings.” . France is the place that nurtured my dream and inspired me to choose to study Interior Design. However, unlike my friends, I chose to “return home” to realize this dream and Hoa Sen is my first and only choice. For me, using what I learn outside to contribute to my country is the best thing. It’s hard to explain why, but I think I “fell in love” with Hoa Sen. “Falling in love” with the international nature of the school. “Falling in love” with the dynamic environment. “Falling in love” because of respect and freedom to share my views.”

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Nguyen Thi Thuy Hang – New student majoring in Interior Design spoke at the ceremony.

College is a journey of self-improvement

If for the past 18 years, you have been students protected by your parents and teachers, then university will open a new journey where you must master yourself and gradually improve yourself. 4 years of university is both an opportunity and a challenge for new students to explore and transform themselves into the best version of themselves, true to the theme “Be your best self”.

Extremely grand opening performance of the Opening Ceremony.

Message to new students, Dr. Phan Thi Viet Nam – Vice Principal of the school shared: “HSU teachers and lecturers will be the ones to lead the way, share knowledge, inspire, and accompany students’ mistakes on their journey to acquire human knowledge. Sen House is now not only a place to convey the trust of parents, the companionship of businesses and partners, but also a place to convey the love and same views from the students themselves. Today, you have also become a better version of yourself yesterday. Seize the opportunity to better yourself.”

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Singer Hoa Minzy performed at the event.

At the Opening Ceremony of the 2023 – 2024 school year, Hoa Sen University awarded scholarships to 26 students with excellent academic achievements. In addition, representatives of the University and 11 businesses have made a commitment to ensure output standards, so that the employment rate of Hoa Sen University graduates does not stop at 95% (according to statistics of the recent graduation ceremony), aiming for 100% of students to have jobs immediately after graduation.

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Cooperation commitment ceremony between HSU and corporate partners.

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Associate Professor, Dr. Vo Thi Ngoc Thuy – Principal of the School awarded scholarships to students.

Hopefully, with the solid educational foundation and lively experience programs that Hoa Sen University offers, new students will have rich experiences during their 4 years of university, becoming good versions of themselves. Most importantly, it is the pride of the family and school and contributes to the overall development of the country.

HSU – Đại học Hoa Sen //ntc33.net/en/the-guiding-star-2023-the-monumental-professional-return-of-the-hsu-student-project/ Tue, 26 Sep 2023 10:08:41 +0000 //ntc33.net/?p=24610 Not only demonstrating expertise in travel and tourism, the final night of The Guiding Star 2023 organized by HSU students is also a gathering night of shining talents.

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Contestants at The Guiding Star 2023 Finals.

From the proud folk songs of the three regions to the emotional drama about the Mother Thu monument or the “cool” rap verses… It all brought about an emotional finale.

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Contestants at The Guiding Star 2023 Finals.

In the afternoon of September 19, the final round of The Guiding Star season 6 in 2023 took place at Equatorial Hotel Saigon with the competition of the Top 10 best contestants from many universities across the country.
A neat, new and richly experiential return

The Guiding Star is a contest organized by students of the Faculty of Hospitality of Hoa Sen University specifically for young people who are passionate about the tourism industry and want to become future Tour Guides. This year, there are more than 100 contestants from universities participating in the competition.

The Guiding Star 2023 has many new highlights compared to previous seasons. This year, the contest has the companionship of 3 coaches including: Mr. Tran Thanh Tuyen ?Lecturer of the Faculty of Culture and Tourism ?Saigon University; MSc. Vo Son Dong – Lecturer of Ho Chi Minh City Open University; MSc. Tran Ngoc Triet – Lecturer of Saigon Tourism College, head of training committee of Ho Chi Minh City Tour Guide Association.

Coaches are the ones who directly guide candidates through each round of the exam, helping them improve the test and gain more valuable knowledge and experience.

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The Guiding Star 2023 organizers are grateful to the instructors, judges and coaches of the competition.

In addition to the rounds of knowledge and explanation with the expert jury in the qualifying round and the conquest round, this year, the competition brings practical experience to students when holding the semi-final round with a live tour guide in Dong Thap. Contestants can play the role of real tour guides when directly leading tours in the car and at famous landmarks of Dong Thap. In addition, the rounds integrate a lot of knowledge and skills, creating conditions for contestants to maximize their talents and strengths such as: MC ability, singing, dancing, storytelling, acting….

The night gathers multi-talented guides

In the final round, in addition to the introduction of landmarks according to the drawing image, contestants must undergo group talent challenges and deal with on-site situations. In the group talent contest, 10 contestants show off their talents in groups of 3 coaches. This competition brought many emotions to the audience with unique performances.

Coach Vo Son Dong team with the combination of 3 contestants brought a unique performance combining magic and the game of guessing the winning price through the images of Chi Hang, Chu Cuoi, and the Jade Rabbit before the mid-autumn festival. In addition, contestant Vo Thien Nhi’s rap song about beautiful places and scenery of the country brought a vibrant atmosphere to the final night.

In addition, the performance of 3 contestants from coach Tran Ngoc Triet’s team brought viewers to the beautiful landscapes of Vietnam through a medley of proud folk songs from three regions. The performance of coach Tran Thanh Tuyen’s team with 4 contestants brought a touching story about Vietnamese Heroic Mother Nguyen Thi Thu, who had 9 children sacrificed in the war against France and America and headed to the Mother Thu Monument in Quang Nam.

All performances took the audience through many emotions, and at the same time showed the multi-talent of the Top 10 contestants as they could sing, dance, magic, act, rap …

From 10 contestants, the 3 best contestants went to the next round of handling situations of a tour guide. In 3 minutes, contestants draw topics and find solutions to handle situations such as: Flight cancelled due to weather influences, visitors bitten by a squeeze, introduction of any place for international visitors to Vietnam in September 2023.

With unique performances, The Guiding Star 2023 has found the winners of the following awards:

?Champion: Contestant Vo Thi Hoai Thuong ?Ton Duc Thang University

?Runner-up: Contestant Lam Nguyen Hoang Hieu ?University of Social Sciences and Humanities ?Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City

?3rd Place: Contestant Vo Thien Nhi ?Hoa Sen University

?Most favorite contestant: Contestant Nguyen Ngoc Bich Loan ?Ton Duc Thang University

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Organizing Committee and contestants of The Guiding Star 2023.

With innovations in exam format and content, The Guiding Star has brought interesting experiences to candidates, serving as a stepping stone for them to gradually enter the path of becoming a professional tour guide.

HSU – Đại học Hoa Sen //ntc33.net/en/hsu-welcomes-a-group-of-international-students-for-study-exchange/ Tue, 26 Sep 2023 04:37:23 +0000 //ntc33.net/?p=23610 On the eve of the new school year, Hoa Sen University (HSU) welcomed a group of international students for a study exchange this morning (September 6, 2023). The majority of students come from France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden.

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International students and HSU lecturers at the orientation before officially studying at HSU.

During the orientation meeting, international students are introduced to the study program, disseminated rules and notes related to academic issues (exam regulations, time to attend classes), instructions on how to access the HSU system to view information related to studies, scores, timetables, etc. Also introduce international student support services such as: psychological counseling, health care, club activities, sports/volunteering/study; housing support for students…

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Dr. Phan Thi Vietnam – Vice President of HSU shared with students about the learning environment at HSU.

Maëlys ERGAND from France shared: “The reason I chose Hoa Sen is because I have never been to Asia. I want to explore the culture and people of Vietnam. I also learned about Vietnam through my university friends in France. They have been here before and are very fond of Vietnam. So I want to experience it for myself.”

Also at the meeting, HSU students from Saigon Corner project ?a project specializing in tourism in famous places in Ho Chi Minh City introduced about famous landmarks of Saigon, famous dishes and interesting destinations around the school that international students can experience.

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International students checked in at the 10th floor, Nguyen Van Trang campus.

To get acquainted with the new learning environment and learn more about the departments to contact, international students had a “campus tour” at Nguyen Van Trang campus. With the guidance of “tour guides” who are Vietnamese students, the international student group visited classrooms, halls, medical rooms, lunch rooms… and got acquainted with departments related to learning such as Office of Accademic Affairs and Student Experience centers.

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International students at HSU library.

Lanya, 22 years old, from France shared: “HSU is a prestigious school, with a beautiful campus, in a beautiful city. All amenities are not too far from campus. We are here right on Vietnam’s National Day, which I feel very excited about, in terms of history, about concerts, fireworks… Everything was great. The people here are also very happy, friendly and welcoming to us.”

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Students visit the HSU lounge.

Accordingly, the international student group will officially study at HSU from next Monday (September 11, 2023). Wishing you will have interesting learning experiences at Hoa Sen Univ
