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Hoa Sen University – HSU
các nhà cái uy tín siyanks

Promoting a culture of responsible beer drinking for students

With the goal of providing a playground for students with a passion for debating, Hoa Sen University (HSU) in collaboration with Anheuser-Busch InBev company organized a debate contest “Responsible enjoyment for someone in need” with the extremely hot topic today: No driving after drinking beer and the sense of responsibility and active lifestyle of Gen Z.

Today, with the changes in lifestyle and working and living style of GenZ generation, alcoholic drinks are not only a delicious beverage, but also a catalyst to develop close relationships and express their own taste in a gentle and subtle way. Modern young people do not drink beer like “thousands of glasses without getting drunk” or compete for speed, but enjoy beer in a more subtle and reasonable way.

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Team “Drunk” takes responsibility in the contest to defend the point of view “The error is in beer.

Understanding their social responsibility in general and for the future generation in particular, Anheuser-Busch InBev company, AB InBev Foundation and Budweiser brand cooperated with Hoa Sen University and AB InBev to organize the debate contest event “Enjoy responsibly Because someone needs you” about the popular social issue that is No driving after drinking beer and the sense of responsibility and active lifestyle of young people. Debate contest with the main topic “THE ERROR IS IN BEER OR BEER DRINKING DRIVERS?” to call on Gen Z students to live responsibly for the people they love, calling for the commitment “Do not drive while drinking beer”.

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Team The Big Fish with sharp arguments

Talking to students, Mr. Truong Van Toan – Legal Director of Foreign Affairs and Communications of AB InBev shared: “From variations in the purpose of enjoyment, now drinking beer also has “unwritten laws” is passed on to each other by young people. If before, you had to compare the number of empty bottles after the party to assess your “playability”, but today you are the people of the new generation, you have the opportunity to access information and ways of life. Living in different cultures, we will focus more on experiences and memorable memories after each fun. The most important thing is always health and safety, these things will help young people take more responsibility and improve the culture of enjoying beer. Especially, The students will also be the bridge to help spread the responsible beer reward culture to your family in the future.” Through cooperation with Hoa Sen University and other universities, more than 6,000 students and teachers have signed the pledge that they understand and adhere to the spirit of responsible enjoyment of Anheuser-Busch InBev and the Budweiser brand are aimed at, which are:

If you drink beer, don’t drive
Only enjoy beer when you are of legal age
Enjoy each beer in its own way.

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Team Random vs Team 3T

The competition has reached the final stage, surpassing the teams in the Preliminary round, the TOP 06 best teams competed in the final round. 6 teams are divided into 3 groups, 1 vs 1 with 2 opposing views: One side defends the “fault in the beer” view, the other team has to defend the “beer drinker’s fault” view. During the debate, the 2 teams were asked by the Organizing Committee to reverse their views to show their acumen, opposing critical thinking in the debate. From there, the Organizing Committee will choose the winning team to award. The prize structure includes: 1 first prize 10,000,000 VND, 1 second prize 5,000,000 VND, 1 third prize 3,000,000 VND, 3 consolation prizes worth 2,000,000 VND.

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Mr. Le Thai Huy – Deputy Director of HSU Student Work Experience Center commented on the teams’ performance

With sharp arguments, knowledge of the law, businesses and brewers such as: Beer is a catalyst to help sublime emotions, erase the worries of work and life. Beer adds flavor to richer dishes. However, beer is associated with negative images as the cause of traffic accidents, domestic violence, and thousands of pain for Vietnamese families. Or, alcohol-free beer was born to minimize the harms and consequences for people… 6 teams have clearly shown their investment in evidence and arguments to defend their point of view.

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Truong Van Toan – Legal Director of External Affairs and Communications of AB InBev shared at the event

In the end, the Big Fish team with convincing arguments won the highest score from the Jury and won the first place. Second place is the “Drunk” Team of Responsibility. Team Call To Action won 3rd prize. Three consolation prizes belonged to the teams: In your eyes, team 3T and team Random.

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Team The Big Fish won first prize in the competition.

The contest “Responsibly Enjoy Because Someone Needs You” is not only aimed at educating young people to change the perception but also helping candidates learn more about critical thinking, presentation skills, problem solving thoroughly. From there, replicate and propagate more good values ​​to young people.

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