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Hoa Sen University – HSU
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Privileges of students studying NEAS-standard English for International Communication Program at HSU

With the English Program for International Communication meeting NEAS – Australia standards, students of Hoa Sen University (HSU) have many advantages in terms of foreign languages when studying any subject at the school.

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HSU’s English for International Communication program is divided into 6 levels, called EIC for short, from EIC1 to EIC6, training using 100% English, including lectures and exercises for 4 skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The scores for the EIC levels in the General English program are based on a 10-point scale. The overall assessment evaluations for the levels as of the 2020-2021 school year are 40% progress, 20% midterm and 40% end-term point. This program is compulsory for all students of the school.

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Hoa Sen University received the certificate from NEAS organization – Australia

The goal of the program is to equip students with a solid foundation of knowledge and English skills to serve as a supporting foundation to improve knowledge, hone specialized skills, and confidently communicate in study and in domestic and international working environment. In addition, the program also has extracurricular activities designed lively, attractive, suitable for each level to improve the skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing as well as other necessary soft skills of students.

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HSU students will be able to study and exchange directly with foreign lecturers.

In 2022, Hoa Sen University is the first and only university in Vietnam to be certified by the National English Language Teaching Accreditation Scheme (NEAS). NEAS is the leading independent organization for assessing the quality of English language teaching worldwide with more than 200 members in Australia, Asia Pacific and the Middle East.

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Students can improve their English at Hoa Sen English Center.

NEAS’s accreditation framework includes the above 6 areas with 127 assessment criteria. In particular, HSU is certified to meet standards in the criteria of teaching – learning activities, learning environment, training management, student support services, enrollment activities… By ensuring these criteria , students will be studying in an international environment, quality programs, good student services, guaranteed English output. At the same time, you can participate in competitions, talkshows, specialized workshops entirely in English. Students can communicate and exchange with speakers, guests, lecturers, foreign friends right at the school, join the school’s English club.
In addition, for students whose English ability is limited and cannot keep up with friends during their studies, you can study at Hoa Sen English Zone Center. Center with courses suitable for goals, time, majors and many attractive incentives for students.

With certification from NEAS, graduates are guaranteed a foreign language output, higher job opportunities at international companies with common ground, and you don’t have to spend too much on studying foreign languages and get an English certificate outside.

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